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One of the very best PD experiences our staff has had in recent years.

Andrew Cross - Head of School, International School of Hamburg

We need more of this – from Administrators to the Business Department through to classroom teachers - the whole village needs to be given the opportunity to hear these presentations.

Participant, International School Counsellors Association Conference

Kevin and Amy provided us with a perfect PD leading into the school year. It is slightly counterintuitive to take time to focus on oneself in the busy lead up to the school year, however, beginning in a mindful state of calm is precisely ‘what (the preventative medicine) the doctor ordered’. They have a very authentic approach to sowing the seeds of a mindful school within our faculty and it has been incredible to watch them grow throughout the year!

Jeremy House - Deputy Head (Pastoral),

St. Gilgen International School

"I'm happier and more empowered to deal with difficult situations at work."



Peace of mind remains nearly out of reach with the extraordinary amount of noise and distraction that is simply a part of our current lives. Focus and connection become more necessary but out of reach.  Amy and Kevin brought a stillness, kindness and focus to ELMLE for the past 5 years and changed the conversation in many international schools throughout Europe with their Mindfulness workshops.  Their work with students and teachers remain the pathway away from stress and anxiety in schools to allow a different social, emotional and academic connection.

Derek Harwell – Association for the Advancement of International Education & President, European League of Middle Level Educators (ELMLE)

“As someone new to mindfulness, the course has developed my interest to learn more about it and, more importantly, practice it in my personal life. It mainly came from Amy and Kevin's kind approach and encouragement. I also enjoyed the opportunity it provided to connect with fellow psychologists and educators from different parts of the world. After the course, I definitely will strive to make mindfulness part of my life.”

Anonymous - 4 week online course participant, 2020

“I am so grateful to have had this learning space. Thank you both and I will be sharing your names with anyone who is looking into Mindfulness in Education!”


“I learned so much in this course. I appreciated the delicate balance between personal practice, helping others, and all of the valuable resources. Kevin & Amy are so genuine and compassionate, and made everything feel OK! Thank you.”

Anonymous - 4 week online course participant, 2020

“I really appreciated having some breathing space to enable me to reflect. It was also really helpful to connect with other counsellors all over the world and realise that what we are going through is a shared experience. It enabled me to take some steps in my work to be brave.”

Anonymous - 4 week online course participant, 2020

“I knew that mindfulness works but I always thought it wasn't for me and that got in the way of advocating for it with learners. Now I know it's also for me, it helps me stay in the moment and ground myself and I feel more confident in advocating mindfulness for our learners and school staff. Thank you for this!”


A very informative and valuable two days. This conference was amazing and enlightening for me. It made me to reflect on few of my past practices. You guys have put in a lot of effort to plan the activities which engaged every participant meaningfully. The sessions have been inspiring and I really felt delighted to be part of it.

Participant, ECIS pre-conference, 2020  

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